Feb 24, 2007

My First Post About My First Quilt

Metro Blue

The Metro Blue fat quarter set I ordered from The Fat Quarter Shop came on the same day as The Modern Quilt Workshop and Make Your Own Contemporary Quilts. I will be making the cover Zipper quilt from MQW and I'm so excited!

Wanna see the fabric close-up?

Metro Blue detail

I am at home today, waiting for the ice storm instead of going to Blogless Amy's 1st birthday party for her dog, Truffle. This is because I am a giant wimp about driving in the winter. Now I am sitting here feeling like a big wimp and a bad friend.

Rock Star is skiing this weekend in Real Live Mountains. I am jealous of the topography and the warm socks and the fires and the wine but not of the swishing around in the freaking cold. Have fun, Honey! Anyway, I'm telling you this because he took my camera, which is more weatherproof and smaller than his. I wanted to show you the fabric, though, so I dug his out of the closet and guess what I found! A whole series of photos from his trip last June to Australia.

I like the fiery sky in this one best:

courtesy of Rock Star


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh your first quilt is going to be so lovely!

I was going to hide at home and await the ice storm today, but it's already super windy and my apartment is freezing cold. Sometimes it's a little too much like living on a boat in that apartment--in good ways and bad ways, too.

I'm at Mozart Cafe now in Evanston, where it's nice and warm.

Stay warm! --Beth

Blogger Ashley said...

Oh my gosh--LOOK at those clouds. Amazing.

I'm totally in love with that fabric. But I am channeling my inner amandamonkey and saying things like "Now, do you really need that fabric? Are you going to use it for anthing right away?" So far so good. (But please don't ask me about the 48-fat quarter Heather Bailey collection I just bought.)

Blogger amandamonkey said...

Beth - Oh no! I hope you make it home safely!

Ashley - HA! It is completely hi-lar-ious that you have the impression of me, based on that one single comment on that one crazy day that I made. :-)

Actually, I would be much more a hoarder if left to my own (and have been). But I suspect your apartment is bigger than my house and that Bailey is more willing to give up common space than is Rock Star! Not to make your decision more painful, but, being your friend, I feel I should warn you that Kimberly sold out of the Metro Blue fat quarter set before I even received my package and if you like it that much, you should buy some yardage.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...

(ps - I'm jealous of the Heather Bailey!!!!)

Blogger Chris said...

That is an amazing picture of the sky!

I was out and about earlier, but I'm glad I'm home now - we have a lovely mixture of sleet and snow that's sure to be a treat...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. The fabrics look gorgeous. I am so excited about your first quilt!

The sky picture is just breath-taking. It's so beautiful that it makes me sigh.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gasp - beautiful picture!

Ok, back to crafting - ACK I LOVE IT! I am NOT getting into sewing or quilting until a draft of my thesis is finished. That will be quite some time from now.

The quilt is going to be fab.u.lous.

Blogger jlmack said...

I can't wait to see the finished quilt! I have some great material to get one started. Now I just need the time...

Blogger RheLynn said...

oh my what a gorgeous sky - a little ominous too, but gorgeous!


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