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My forum for all things stitch (knitting, sewing, embroidery) and occasional snarky comments about politics or my research. Sometimes photos of my favorite little beasts even sneak in.
I am a feminist crafter who loves political wonks and a good bagel. I spend a lot of time making lists and counting stitches.
Fiber Arts Bloggers
Stitching Bloggers
Take Me, Post Me, Make Me Yours
Yesterday's News
Monkey Wrenching
A Thousand Years Ago
Knitting for Others
Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Check out who I'm reading.
Who says I don't play well with others?
DOR Secret Pal Questionnaire
PS 2006
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Please do not steal. Unless otherwise noted, all items on this website are Copywritten by GuerrillaStitcher. I give credit where it's due, and I expect you to, too. Besides, you really don't want to catch me on a bad day.
"The Letter That You're Writin' Doesn't Mean You're Not Dead"
Drop me a line at guerrillastitcher .at. gmail .dot. com. For bonus fun, include your favorite Pixies quote!
More Self-Promotion
All original content on this site is copywritten by GuerrillaStitcher